Feasts of Merit: wealth, status and feasting in the Luzon Cordillera

Year: 2018
Pages: 1-206
Publisher: Museo Kordilyera
ISBN: 978-621-95884-0-9

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Feasts of Merit: Ceremony and Celebration in Traditional

Delfin Tolentino Jr.

Hongan di Kinadangyan: Validating Status through Feasting
in Ifugao
Analyn Salvador-Amores

Chono: The Graded Feasts of Merit among the Bontoc
June Chayapan Prill-Brett

The IBaloy Peshit: An Economic Reading of a Cultural Icon
B.P. Tapang Jr.

Catalogue of Objects in the Feasts of Merit Exhibition
Nicholai Fanged – with contributions from:
Joseph Andrew Carvajal, Analyn Salvador-Amores, Delfin
Tolentino, Jr.

Delfin Tolentino Jr.

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